Friday, December 3, 2010


Yesterday I walked the grounds at Holy Wisdom Monastery. It was cold as I followed a trail through a stand of Oak on top of a small hill. Since we've had no snow, the dark branches of the trees stood out in sharp contrast to the carpet of brown leaves on the ground and the wheat colored grasses of the prairie beyond.

I followed the trail through the trees and down toward Lost Lake. Tall stalks of frozen prairie flowers bordered the lake, standing in mute reminder of their former summer beauty. I noticed the partly frozen lake as I circled it and entered an open space with more wheat colored prairie grass.

The property around Holy Wisdom Monastery is a kind of nature preserve. I have seen wild turkeys running through the trees and even a deer or two. This day I came upon a fluffy raccoon walking on the ice of the partially frozen lake. He seemed not to notice me as he carefully placed one paw in front of the other. His flanks heaved as if he was having trouble breathing. It seemed to take all of his concentration to navigate the ice.

I paused, concerned for his safety, and then moved on.

I thought about that little animal today. Again I was walking the trail. Again it was bitterly cold. Again I descended the hill toward Lost Lake. Even from a distance I could see a dark form on the ice sheet. I approached, fearing what I knew awaited me. There on the ice, near where I had left him yesterday, lay the body of this little creature. He was still fluffy. His head rested on the ice as if he were asleep. His ringed tail stretched out behind him.

My eyes glistened with tears as I honored the life of this little creature.

Ray Charles said, “Soul is like electricity – we don't really know what it is, but it's a force that can light up a room.” Soul is also a force that allows us to grieve for what was and is no more.

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